I will tell you that there is a lot of new advice and ideas out there on how to best raise a hedgehog since I last bred. I have embraced some, and some things I have tried but it didn't work out for me. I know what works for me and will offer all my help and advice, not just at time of sale and before, but during your entire hedgehog adventure.
All my breeders are pedigreed to ensure nice healthy bloodlines and babies.Babies are also health guaranteed for genetic issues and WHS (which I have NEVER encountered with any of my babies).
I will provide ongoing advice and resource before, during, and after you bring your hedgehog home. Please check out our FAQ's for more info!
Please review our tips for handling and acclimating your baby hedgehog.
🦔 Share Your Scent.
🦔 Do Hedgehogs Bite ?
🦔 Quilling
A hedgehog needs the correct food and a proper habitat to live a long, happy, and healthy life. Before bringing him home you should have his cage set up and ready with food available.
These foods should make up the majority of your hedgehog’s diet (1-2 tablespoons per day, depending on his size). Find one that your hedgehog likes or mix together a few brands of cat foods to ensure proper nutrient balance, and try to stick with this choice for consistency.