Bonding, Grooming &

New Baby Tips

Bonding, Grooming & New Baby Tips



Wash your hands with an unscented soap. And go ahead and get started right away. Some people say to let them be a day or so. I personally feel do not feel you need to or should. At their young age it is best to handle them a lot to get them used to handling and snuggles. Even if your baby is just in the snuggle sack while you watch TV. Getting them used to you is very important right away. I also suggest trying to touch their feet often too. It will help get them used to you touching their feet for trimming. You need to handle your baby a minimal of 1 hour a day. Can you over do it? NO!! You will always get out of an animal what you put into them. Always wash your hands after handling your baby as well. It’s very rare anyone gets sick from a hedgehog. But better safe than sorry and it’s just good hygiene. 


Scarf or Bandana

Wear a scarf or bandana around your neck for a few hours to get your “scent” on it. You can then place it in the babies cage in the area you notice him spending most of his time. He will smell you all day and people swear that it helps them recognize you quicker. It absolutely won’t hurt anything. 



Do hedgehogs bite? Generally, no. However, they are always foraging and looking for food. Another reason to wash your hands with unscented soap so that you do not have any lingering food smells on your hands. I notice that I can usually anticipate they may bite as it is usually started with some licking, and then the bite. I know it is super cute when they lick you, but just be prepared that it may follow with a nibble or bite. If so, just try and stop the licking right when it starts.


Water Bowl or Bottle?

Either is fine. If you do use a bottle, make sure to put fresh water in it daily. And make sure you have both the bottle and a water bowl until you actually SEE your baby drinking from it. Then you can remove the extra water bowl. You can touch your babies nose right up to the bottle tube to let him know where it is. I have never had a hedgehog NOT take to a water bottle. I have heard some will just refuse to use it.



Your baby is going to lose his “baby quills” from now until about 12 months old. This is very normal and nothing to worry about. So seeing a dozen quills or so in his cage is normal. IF for some reason a baby were to lose hundreds of them all at once there may be an underlining issue and feel free to consult me or see a vet.


Self Anointing

Hedgehogs do what is called anointing. It is a behavior they do when they are stimulated by a smell. It is very strange to see the first time, but it is a normal hedgehog behavior. When a hedgehog does this, they stretch their head to their sides or rear end. They will then lick themselves. Sometimes they will froth at the mouth when they do this. Some people have thought that their baby was having a seizure. They are not, they are just happy. You may at some point see this froth on their sides and be alarmed wondering what it is. They just anointed recently. It’s frothy saliva.



Baths are good for your hedgies and just fun. You can brush them with a toothbrush or just a wash cloth. They WILL poop in the water. Good shampoos are, Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo, Aveeno Oatmeal baby shampoo, or ‘Hogwash’ from www.hedhehogsandfriends.comTry a travel size as it will last a long time and save some money. I wouldn’t recommend more than every 2 weeks at the most. Once a month is a good idea. “Poop Boots” is a common term for when a hedgehog gets poop build up from walking on his wheel. They like to poop while walking/running the wheel and it can build up. You can put them in an inch of warm water to loosen it and wipe off with a cloth. This is also a good time to check nails for a trim as well. I use a human toenail clipper to do mine. A small dog nail clipper will work as well. No need to spend a bunch of money on one for hedgehog.




The female hedgehogs vagina is located under her tail or lowest part of body closest to the tail. The male penis has a little “bump” or “button” that is in the middle of his belly. It is often mistaken as a belly button, it is not. Masterbation- Yes, they do this. Most animals do. Very rare to notice a female doing this, but they do. The males do it more frequently. It is not uncommon to notice semen or dried semen around their penis area. Super normal.

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