• Will I get pooped on?

    YES you absolutely will. My hedgies will usually poop shortly after waking them and taking them out. It is usually firm and can be easily picked up with a tissue. IF THIS BOTHERS YOU, THIS IS NOT THE PET FOR YOU.

  • Do hedgehogs need constant heat?

    ABSOLUTELY they do!! This is Alaska and lots of people have wood stoves and other heat sources. It is imperative that they do not go below 75 degrees even for short periods. Some people use heat lamps and ceramic heat emitters. Lot’s of varying opinions. I personally leave a space heater in my hedgehog room and check the heat level frequently to maintain this heat. This has worked for me for the 15 plus years of owning and breeding hedgehogs. If you can not keep them warm, then sorry, this is not a pet for you. Hedgehogs rely on hearing and smell because they have poor eyesight.

  • How much are your hedgehogs?

    $350.00 (regardless of color or gender).

  • Do you deliver?

    No- however sometimes I try to do trips to the Palmer/Wasilla for errands frequently and would be happy to bring a hedgie to that location for pick up.

  • Where are you located ?

    I am in Kenny Lake, Alaska. This is 35 miles from of Glennallen roughly, and about 175 miles from Palmer. I will consider delivering to the Palmer area and meeting up if I have clients from that area. We do try to get down there to run errands when time permits.

  • Do you ship?

    We will ship in the state of Alaska where Alaska Airlines flies.

    It should be noted that shipping can only occur during warmer months due to their heat requirments. Late May to ealy October. Hedgehogs require a Health Certificate to fly which requires a vet visit that typically runs approximately $125 to $150. Shipping runs approximately $300. Both fees are paid by the buyer. Buyer also will reimburse HOA for the cost of the shipping container as well. At this time we do not charge a handling fee. 

  • What colors do you have?

    I never know what colors I will get. In the past I had pintos, cinnacots, dark grays, light grays, salt and peppers, apricots, chocolate, snowflakes, and albinos.

  • Is there a difference in temperament between males and females?

    No, in my opinion I have never noticed a difference in the temperament of gender. However, you will get out of an animal what you put into them. If you handle your baby a lot, you will tend to have a well socialized

    hedgehog. If you never handle your hedgie, chances are they will take a few steps backwards and not socialize well at all.

  • Are hedgehogs’ good pets for kids?

    This depends on the child. Hedgehogs can be very good pets for children when they can dependable to care for them. A hedgehog is a somewhat low maintenance animal. However, the more you handle them the better pet they will become. A hedgehog can teach a young child good responsibility and how to be gentle.

  • What about allergies?

    I have friends that are allergic to cats and dogs, but have no allergy issues to the hedgehogs. However, that is not to say that people are not allergic to hedgehogs as all allergies are different. If a person has severe allergies I would talk to a Doctor first.

  • Do hedgehogs smell?

    Hedgehogs generally do not have a smell to them like some other animals. Like all animals, feces and urine do smell. That is why it is extremely important to keep your hedgehog cage clean all the time to keep a sanitary home for your critter and keep the cage free from smell.


  • Are hedgehogs dirty?

    Generally, no. Hedgehogs tend to go to the bathroom in the same area most of the time. The area that seems to be the most upkeep is the running wheels. Hedgehogs do not stop for bathroom breaks when they are on their wheels. Hedgies will run and run on them and unfortunately pack the poop right on to their wheel. So, the wheels need to be cleaned often and also so do their feet.

  • Can you have more than one hedgehog in a cage ?

    Most of the information on hedgehogs tend to say “no” as they are generally solitary animals in the wild. I have temporarily housed 2 females together for short periods. I would NEVER recommend 2 males together. I would be very leery of housing 2 together. So really the best answer would be not to do it.

  • Do the spikes come out? Do they hurt?

    Hedgehogs are actually NOT related to porcupines, even though it looks like they should be. So, no, the spike isn’t barbed and they don’t come out. They don’t draw blood.

    Do hedgehogs lose their quills?  A hedgehog between 2-6 months old will shed their “baby” quills. This is normal. If this persists past that time frame and continues, that is not normal and you should see a veterinarian.

  • What is anointing?

    Hedgehogs have a peculiar practice where they will taste or chew on an object of interest and produce a foamy saliva. They will then proceed to self-anoint and rub this saliva all over their body. When exposed to pungent smells or tastes, hedgehogs exhibit a behavior called “self-anointing,” in which they rub frothy salvia on their quills.


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